"Use The Killer Headline Script Here..."

From ~your name~
~your hometown~

Dear friend,

~insert letter opener / Intro~

~insert shocking statement~

~insert the "WHO" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...




"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script
...to help intro your "WHAT"
~insert the "WHAT" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...




"The Name Of Your Flagship Framework!"
~continue the "WHAT" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...





"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script

...to help intro your "WHY"

~insert the "WHY" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...





"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script"

~ continue the "WHY" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...





"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."

~ continue the "WHY" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...





"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."

"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."

~continue the "WHY" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...


"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."

~continue the "WHY" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...


"The Name Of Your Flagship Framework!"
~continue the "WHY" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...




"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."
To Intro Your "HOW".............
~insert the "HOW" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...




"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."
~insert the "HOW" from the "Who, What, Why, How" script...

For Only $7.00
Yes... for about the price of _____, you can get access to a framework that took me XXXXXXXXX to create... 

YES NAME! Give Me Instant Access To The ______ And Training RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."
In fact...
"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."
They use it to _____________ Everything you can dream of, like:
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​ ~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
  • ​~bullet script~
~Insert Headline About Your Creditability~
~insert stories or examples to help show your creditability...




Casestudy Of Someone Else Using Your Framework...
"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."
Tell about the casestudy here...
When You Get Your Copy Of "_________"(For Just $7.00)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - ~insert first offer in your stack~
"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."
Total Value: $297
~explain this offer~
Get This For FREE When You Order '_______' Today! 
Bonus #2 - ~insert second offer in your stack~
"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."
Total Value: $297
~explain this offer~
Get This For FREE When You Order '_______' Today! 
Bonus #3 - ~insert third offer in your stack~
"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."
Total Value: $297
~explain this offer~
Get This For FREE When You Order '_______' Today! 
Bonus #4 - ~insert fourth offer in your stack~
"Use The 'Killer Headline' Script..."
Total Value: $297
~explain this offer~
Get This For FREE When You Order '_______' Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!
~insert copy about why there is no catch...




Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
~insert copy about why there is urgency / scarcity...




Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
~insert copy about your guarantee...




You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order My _______.
You Could Get The Script That Has Made Me More Money Than Anything Else I've Ever Done In This Business.
YES NAME! Give Me Instant Access To The ______ And Training RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
  Instant Access To (Your Flagship Framework)  (Value $497)
  Full Access To _________________ (Value $297)
  Instant Access _________________ (Value $197)
  ___________________________  (Value $197)
  ____________________________ (Value $297)
Total Value: $1,485
Today Just $7
~insert any last words / letter closes~

Thanks again,
Your Name
P.S. ~insert the P.S. Scripts~ 
YES NAME! Give Me Instant Access To '_________' RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything Your Going To Get
  • Instant Access To (Your Flagship Framework) (Value $497)
  • Full Access To ____________________ (Value $297)
  • Instant Access To ________________ (Value $197)
  • ​Access To _________________________ (Value $197)
  • ______________________________________ (Value $297)
Total Value: $1,485
Today Just $7

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $47: ~order form bump script~ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aut, quod hic expedita consectetur vitae nulla sint adipisci cupiditate at. Commodi, dolore hic eaque tempora a repudiandae obcaecati deleniti mollitia possimus.

Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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